Wednesday, November 4, 2009

OpenSIPS 1.6 available on Fedora

OpenSIPS (former OpenSER) is fastest open source implementation of a SIP proxy.

Recently I added new rpm-package opensips-1.6 to fedora. OpenSIPS can be installed parallel with current openser package. At the moment package is pending to adding to updates for F-11.

People who want to use db_oracle module should to install proprietary instantclient-sdk- from Oracle and to rebuild package with --with-oracle rpmbuild option. Then opensips-oracle rpm package will be available to install.

Thanks Peter Lemenkov for  help and package review.

UPD: package is pushed  to stable updates.


  1. I'm facing a problem in installing opensip in fedora . whenever i try to install it is throwing "connection failed" and sometimes "the base URL is missing". help me in this pls

  2. Looks like yum misconfig. Please check /etc/yum.repos.d/* configs.
