#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define MID(a, b) ((a+b)/2)
#define POW(a) (a*a)
template<int res, int l = 1, int r = res>
class SQRT;
template<int res, int r>
class SQRT<res, r, r> {
static const int value = r;
template <int res, int l, int r>
class SQRT {
static const int value = SQRT<res, (POW(MID(r, l)) >= res ? l : MID(r, l)+1), (POW(MID(r, l)) >= res ? MID(r, l) : r)>::value;
int main() {
cout << SQRT<256>::value << endl;
return 0;
See codepad paste for more information.
Thanks HELLER[i] for idea.
Interesting. I guess your method instantiates less templates than the one in C++ Templates [1] because it is not using the IfThenElse template. Have you compared the performance? However, I'm sure you could improve it by storing the results rather than recalculating them? I.e.:
class SQRT {
static const int mid = MID(r, l);
static const bool gr = POW(mid) >= res;
static const int value = SQRT::value;
[1] https://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=30667&seqNum=3
And another thing for the record since I'm here! Rather than asking "is mid * mid >= res?", I use "is mid >= res / mid?" Why? To avoid integer overflow from mid * mid.