Sunday, October 31, 2010

Using Intel© Math Kernel Library in Python

As a way to interact with MKL library from Python is build a shared library from MKL and interface to it using ctypes.

Below is description of the process of creating shared library from MKL.

  1. Download MKL Library from: (for noncommercial use).

  2. Unpack archive and install

  3. Follow this useful article:

Steps for me:

  1. /tools/environment/

  2. cd /tools/builder

  3. $ cat > ring_list

  4. $ make em64t name=mkl4py export=ring_list

  5. Done. Use and /lib/em64t/

MKL online documentation: See "Building Custom Shared Object".

Friday, October 8, 2010

Build OpenSIPS deb package from SVN. Step by step.

If you want to build OpenSIPS package for debian/ubuntu from svn, that this is post for you.

First, checkout OpenSIPS sourses from svn as described here.

For example, to download latest 1.6 branch do:
$ svn co opensips

Enter opensips directory and move debian-directory on top-level:
$ cd opensips
$ ln -s packaging/debian debian

Increase the Debian release number:
$ debchange -i

Finally, build package:
$ debuild -us -uc

Debian packaging utilites can be installed with "sudo aptitude install devscripts build-essential fakeroot".

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Book review: Building Telephony Systems with OpenSIPS 1.6

A few months ago I was asked by Packt Publishing to review the book "Building Telephony Systems with OpenSIPS 1.6" by Flavio E. Goncalves. They sent me a free physical copy of this book. Thanks to them for it.

Before exploring OpenSIPS, you will be taught the basics of SIP. The book will help you install OpenSIPS, and after that you'll be able to work with it. It's good for newbies who want to learn OpenSIPS from scratch.

The main part of the book explains principles needed to create an OpenSIPS routing script for real solutions. You will be able to set up authentication, integrate OpenSIPS with media server, integrate Asterisk Real Time with OpenSIPS, solve NAT traversal problems, configure accounting, and, most importantly, will understand how it works.

Unfortunately, a part of complex issues is not covered in the book. These are, primarily: building high availability solutions with OpenSIPS; SIP presence problems; MediaProxy; etc.

This book is an upgraded version of the "Building Telephony Systems with OpenSER: A step-by-step guide to building a high performance Telephony System" book. Some examples remain actual for Openser, but not for OpenSIPS. Some new OpenSIPS modules are not covered in the book. I've also found several typos in the example scripts. So, if you have problems with the examples in the book, just check the current documentation.

An excellent start to learn OpenSIPS is to read this unique book. The on-line documentation is your friend too.

Friday, January 29, 2010

New book about OpenSIPS!

I'm glad to say that the book "Building Telephony Systems with OpenSIPS 1.6" was released! This book is update of the book about OpenSER. The book was written to answer many questions about building VoIP systems based on the SIP-proxy OpenSIPS.

I'm waiting for delivery of the book to read and review.